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Posts posted by VaughanJ

  1. I appreciate this is no big deal, but I recently made the decision to no pay for the full version of CCleaner after owning it for a couple years (paid).  I just wanted to put it out there, the reason I went back to free was simple really.

    So anyway, the reason was - software as a service.  Back in ye olde days you bought a version of the product, and you got the updates until the next version released.  Then you could either buy the new version, or not.  Not today.  Today you pay to "subscribe" to an application, and annually (or so) it needs renewing.  I absolutely HATE this model.  One day I was happily running CCleaner, the next I was being prompted - months in advance - to re-subscribe.  It was maddening. 

    Now I get it, you have collect money to support a product.  I don't mind paying, and have.  But  with the subscription model, there isn't much incentive to bring new features.  Whereas in in the past developers had to go the extra mile to convince you that the new version is worth owning, with the subscription model (supported by Agile development, I guess) a lot of very minor  stuff is drip-fed out.  It's horrible.

    So, I don't expect anyone to give a damn, and no-one asked me for the feedback.  But subscription models are why I chose to go back to free after having a paid license.  It truly felt as though I was letting the developers hand go into my pocket.

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