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Posts posted by JimSpy

  1. 4 hours ago, Nergal said:

    Yes parts of windows and many programs still use ie locations, so ccleaner cleaning them is recommended.


    3 hours ago, nukecad said:

    Yes, even in Windows 11 that doesn't have IE, other things (including Edge) use the old IE storage locations.

    Over the years they have become a convinent place for any application to put temporary files - so even with IE gone they still benefit from a clean out.

    OK, I kinda thought that was the case.......but, I don't use Edge either, and I don't use Bing, I'm a Google Chrome type guy.  Do I still need all those other programs checked?

  2. I no longer use Internet Explorer (does anyone?).  Do I need to continue checking it in Custom Clean?  I'm guessing I do, because it consistently appears in the cleaning results, but why is that?  Specifically, why do the results always include a Temporary Internet Files listing for IE?  Like I say, I haven't used it in at least a decade...

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