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Posts posted by MRBanker

  1. Thank you so much for your help!
    CCleaner is one of the greatest products I have used in my 25 years as a developer.

    I am kind of a busy person but it seems the problem started within the last 60 days?

    What I Uncheck: Tools> Programs to Update

    If I uncheck them it still tries to update.

    1. Libre Office
    2. Ice Cream Recorder (faulty Update) Over and over, every time I run Health Check
    3. Paint.net 32 bit I have 64 bit
    4. Messenger 186.0.0 (another faulty update)
    5. Zoom Client

    I know that some of the problem is that the software itself doesn't seem to check the current installation version.
    Some of these it never gets to because of the hanging at one of them.

    Maybe you could consider an ignore option on the Choose programs you would like to update.

    Thanks for CCleaner; a great product!

    PS add some pizza to that beer and I'll be there lol

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