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John Steele

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Posts posted by John Steele

  1. I normally run as a Standard User as advised by Microsoft as best practice for security. I am shocked that a company that I have relied on for my security for years should have issued a software release with this issue. Recently I keep getting the message "Few files will not get cleaned as the system does not have admin privileges". I can see there are others with the same problem.

    This is getting very annoying as it pops up regularly. If I dismiss it it reappears later.

    As advised by Microsoft, and most other security experts (I was one until I recently retired), I use my Windows Admin account only to install software. I refuse to run most of the time as Admin - the Admin account should only be used for system administrator tasks and a regular prompt stating that I do not have admin privileges is most inappropriate.. I will have to uninstall CCleaner if this persists for much longer.

    Can I install the previous version that worked?


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