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Posts posted by MWilson

  1. 6 hours ago, APMichael said:

    Can you please describe your procedure in more detail

    1) CCleaner is run by shortcut (OPTIONAL):
    Target: C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /run /tn MyTasks\CCleaner_Auto
    Start in: C:\Windows\system32

    2) The scheduled task action is:
    /c start "" /min "C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Apps\Scripts\CCleaner-Auto-Wrapper.bat" ^& exit

    3) CCleaner-Auto-Wrapper.bat:
    start "ccleaner-auto" "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe" /AUTO

    As for the screenshot, I have rolled back CCleaner v6.09

  2. Hi,

    Since this 6.10.10347 new version was introduced on Windows, that annoying dialog "Few files will not get cleaned as system doesn't have admin privileges" totally mess up scheduled unattended tasks. It pops up, blocks batch file execution, and waits for user attention.

    1) Why, why, why show it in the first place?

    2) Why force users to run as admin?

    3) It doesn't provide any helpful info on how to fix it, and running CCleaner admin elevated is not an option.

    Can you fix it to make it show the dialog ONCE, or set a delay to auto-dismiss the dialog? It is totally annoying and useless dialog, to begin with.

    Looking for a fast resolution to the problem.

    Thank you.






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