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Posts posted by cavjj

  1. 5 hours ago, hazelnut said:

    This is the Windows build you are on.


    Perhaps do a manual check for updates (Start-Settings-Updates and Security then press check for updates) as there are Windows Modules installer errors showing for you it may be Windows is having an issue doing the December update)

    So this is strange - when I was starting this thread yesterday I went through this, searched for any new updates which said everything was up to date. By now there is a new Win 11 update KB5021234 which is failing to download. I note through searching elsewhere that others have had this issue. I'm currently going through the in built troubleshooter and will look at deleting any files by deactivating WindowsUpdate via services.msc and deleting the contents of the update folder. However.. I'm now running file corruption scans via command prompt as I got a 1503 error in services.

    My issues with CCleaner started approx 3 weeks ago - maybe a bit longer?


    What happens if you turn off your network and then run CCleaner?




    Hazelnut's first suggested test of running CCleaner when disconnected from the net should show if it is indeed a server connection error.

    This was interesting. On running this test, the same behaviour continued, though the freeze was a lot shorter in duration - 3 or 4 minutes. On opening the program a second time, it ran fine. This is new behaviour, previously no matter how many times I opened CCleaner the freeze was present. I'll run this test again.



    What items do you have running at start-up on your machine (can be seen under Start-up tab in TaskManager.)

    As little as possible. Currently a mouse driver (pximouse) and Realtek Audio. Everything else is disabled.

    I'll take a look at Task Manager's CPU tab and running Custom Clean in CCleaner when I've run this corruption scan.

  2. 30 minutes ago, hazelnut said:

    @cavjj I do realise it may take a while to look at the things below because of your issues with CCleaner opening slowly.

    What happens if you turn off your network and then run CCleaner?

    What happens if you choose Custom Clean as default on CCleaner and then run it?

    What Processes show as using the most CPU in your Taskmanager when you try to run CCleaner?

    What items do you have running at start-up on your machine (can be seen under Start-up tab in TaskManager.)

    Did you upgrade to Win 11 or was it already on the machine?

    Are all your Win updates done and you have done a full restart of your machine (not a shutdown, it must be a restart)

    - Machine is a custom build laptop from PC Specialist, about 2 and a half years old. Shipped with Win 10, I changed to Win 11 pretty soon after its public release. I’ve previously had CCleaner running fine with Win 11.

    - Win updates are all done to my knowledge, version number and build is in the original post. I do try and keep drivers on the machine up to date (usually through CCleaner actually) but the optional driver updates via the windows updates screen have all been done as well.

    I’ll get back to you with the other queries on what’s happening while CCleaner runs a little later today. I really do appreciate everyone who has spent a bit of time on this and I do get it’s NYE as well.

  3. Thanks so much for getting back to me.

    I’m not currently using 3rd party anti virus though have historically used Norton on this machine. It’s currently uninstalled. 

    Deactivated Fast Startup via the registry, restarted, no change. The delay / freeze is still present.

    Installed slim version as requested, also no change. Left the original version installed as requested, and it did pick up my premium licence. 

    I totally understand this could be an issue elsewhere on my machine but if there’s any benefit to devs/community in searching for this error or conflict then I’m more than happy to keep looking. Really appreciate your response.


  4. Hi there, thanks in advance for any help on this. Happy to poke around my system and send over any info that may be of assistance.

    Upon opening CC I should usually expect a lengthy freeze before it starts to function. Freeze presents itself as open but unresponsive - with the cursor changing to the rotating blue circle. The 'health check' tab is selected but no content appears in the tab. Freeze can last anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes. The info bar at the top displays (Not Responding) during the freeze but program will eventually kick into life and operate normally.

    Trying to click inside the program, or forcing closure causes system instability and a full restart is then required.

    I do appreciate this may be an issue somewhere else in my system but not having problems with other programs.

    CC ver: 6.07.10191
    Win 11 Pro 64 bit, version 21H2, build 22000.1219
    Intel Core i7-9700K @3.6GHz
    32GB Ram
    Nvidia card with relevant drivers
    Realtek audio

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