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Why I like CCleaner

Guest Keatah

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Guest Keatah

This is such a nice program. I've been using it since the old school days, version - 1.41 or older! And it should be a part of everyone's computing environment.

The best things are:


1- Regular updates that are meaningful. By this I mean that genuine functionality is always being added, not some glitzy user interface changes made for change's sake. No busywork makework!


2- As far as I remember, the UI hasn't changed significantly since the early versions. This is good because it allows one to become familiar with the program over time.


3- The level of customization is just about right. As an advanced user I added in the winapp2.ini file and made a whole series of include/exclude "rules" to delete tons of temp files generated by uncommon applications. A less technical user of course may not do this and that's just fine.


4- Quick easy access from the recycle bin, just as it should be.


5- It doesn't "get in the way" and nag you with reminders and forced update notices and annoying things like that. Ha! I once had a utility for use with my iPod, and every month this program would stop working. The author insisted that you had to re-install it.. Every month! The rationale here was to "insure you had the latest version".. Needless to say I found something else.


6- It has a nice established support forum.


7- Focus on one thing only - removing unused crap from your system. No cross functionality that oozes and mutates into optimizers and internet accelerators and "speed-up-my-pc" type utilities; all of which provide dubious value anyways.


8- Free for home/personal use. Fantastic!


9- Resource friendly. No background processes and hooks into the operating system. Totally portable if you want it that way. It behaves nicely and stays within it's assigned directory, not creating files and registry entries and profile stuff all over. And lightweight too, just a few megs in size.


And there you have it!

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