Updated to the latest verion of ZoneAlarm Pro 6.5.722 getting this line when i run Ccleaner I get this line in CCleaner Issues: invalid default: c:\program file\zone labs\zonealarm\updclient.exe,272\HKCR\ZAmailsafe\defaulticon. I only got this trouble when i updated to the latest version of zonealarm pro.
posted this in ZoneAlarm forum but got no replys from them, can someone please help me
It's probably because this is tacked onto the end of the reference:
Then again many registry cleaners "may" see it as invalid. If it's re-appearing in CC's Issues read this. You can also either manually remove it via Regedit, or ignore it.
It's probably because this is tacked onto the end of the reference:
Then again many registry cleaners "may" see it as invalid. If it's re-appearing in CC's Issues read this. You can also either manually remove it via Regedit, or ignore it.