Z soft uninstaller

Anyone here use this?


Here is what the program does:

ZSoft Uninstaller enables you to keep track of any changes that are made during installation of new software, and later reverse those changes and completely uninstall the newly added program. The program requires you to create a Before/After system snapshot during which it records any files and registry keys that were added or changed during the install. Any program that has been analyzed with a system snapshot can later be removed by reversing all the recorded changes, optionally using a step-by-step process that allows you to confirm every file deletion. ZSoft Uninstaller also provides access to your standard Uninstall list, and allows you to hide or filter entries from the list, thereby shortening it and making it easier to manage. (Ironically, ZSoft Uninstaller does not completely remove itself if you uninstall it, but leaves behind some files and an empty Program menu entry.)

Pros: Keeps track of changes made during software installations; comletely remove software installations; hide entries from the uninstall list

Cons: Requires some technical expertise; uninstall list cannot be sorted; tracked changes difficult to read from a text log

I've never tried it but I've heard of it before. I'll have to check it out in the next few days when I install something.

Alright, I'll let you test it first then.

I never really worried too much about using this kind of program but if its good I might start using it. :D

Alright, I'll let you test it first then.

I never really worried too much about using this kind of program but if its good I might start using it. :D

Not good at all!

It found an uninstall reference to Sonic RecordNow which has been uninstalled for a few months, not even four registry cleaners found that. That's however the only highlight of it!

The problems I have with it are:

  • Minor: The window size doesn't get saved when set to maximum, this is however only a minor annoyance. Even then trying to manually size it to use most of the available screen space causes it to load partially off screen, an easy fix is keeping it at a medium size.
  • Minor to Severe: The Temp File Finder does find some temporary files that shouldn't be removed in comparison to actual disk cleaning apps which via an ignore list never touch such files such as "opa11.bak" which must be left alone to keep Microsoft Office from requesting the install CD be inserted to restore the missing file.
  • Severe: ZSoft Uninstaller must be kept running/resident during a software installation. There's no way of closing it and retaining the information. This of course makes it completely useless if you were to install something that required a Windows restart, e.g.; software-based firewall, anti-virus, etc.
  • Partial Failure: For a test I let ZSoft Uninstaller track the changes of installing Winamp v5.3.1 Full. After installation I ran Winamp then changed some of it's settings and such, and finally I then closed Winamp as that was all I could put up with it at that point. Then I uninstalled Winamp using ZSoft Uninstaller just to see how good it would get rid of it, however it didn't get rid of it all.

    Still leftover after uninstalling Winamp with ZSoft Uninstaller was the following that I could find:

    • The Winamp desktop icon

    • A Winamp reference in the registry under: HKCU\Software\Winamp

  • Annoyance: To uninstall an app you must tick three boxes that claim: you know what you're doing, the developer isn't responsible for damages, etc. This should have been in a license agreement when installing the program.

My conclusion, use Total Uninstall 2.35 (Last Freeware Version) instead and you won't be sorry (yes it's slower to track the installation and the subsequent changes after words, however it's just flat out better).

It was nice to use Total Uninstall to remove my tracked installation of ZSoft Uninstaller! :P

In first it's good to read comments and suggestions that reflect knowledge and a train of thought (and some spicy conclusion at the end...).

* Temp File Finder - I get into trouble myself with the CD MOffice requested (that was created by the elimination of the file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Data\DATA.BAK") - an annoyance that I could resolve with the restore of the backup that the program allows.

* Windows restart - In fact after rebooting the PC, the analysis of the installation can be performed adequately by the user. He need to open the app. and to select "Finish an analyse that has already been started" - but not of automatic form as in the Total Uninstall.

* ZSoft Uninstaller (ZU) "versus" Total Uninstall (TU) - ZU is a program that replaced with immense advantage the Windows build-in uninstall function (add/remove tool). TU analyzes the installation and uninstall the programs by itself analyzed - and it is a distinguished application. This aspect (install/uninstall) is a common bearing - however the purpose and the own core stuff it is dissimilar!

The ZU is, (in a scope of the add/remove programs) one of the best that I know, with the addition of much practical functions for the user: several filters how hide items as the Windows updatings and others that the user to want, and permit to analyze the installation to uninstall later with another precision.

It' s not perfect, but it is effective, lightweigth and simple in uses - and excellent in it goal!