YouTube & Internet Explorer

- People who (regularly) visit the website YouTube with the Internet Explorer (e.g. version 11) browser (like me) will see a banner that says that Youtube is going to end support for Internet Explorer in the ((very) near ??) future. (They didn't mention a date when this support will be ended.) Those people are encourged to upgrade to Edge, Opera, Chrome or Firefox. (Not to other browsers ??).

YouTube in the original Edge browser for Win10 was usually the only smooth experience for low-end hardware like entry-level budget laptops since there were fewer issues like dropped frames, even Chrome wasn't as good for it. Don't know what low-end hardware will use with Edge Chromium taking over as the main Win10 browser.

Firefox on YouTube has never been a smooth experience for me even on good hardware, it's always had some slow loading lag (supposedly induced on purpose by Google/YouTube if we are to believe reports), whereas in my preferred SRWare Iron (based on Chromium) it's a complete non-issue other than RAM usage.

- YouTube alway was streaming perfectly in IE 11. Never had any problems. But I don't have an "entry level" laptop. Memory usage was also never a problem because I have still CLEANMEM running.

i have different browsers installed/portable

one i have iron protable like andavari -> because with german security settings :-)

also palemon portable, firefox installed, in the near future i will install edge-chromium as a replacement for ie11 - have it installed on older w7 -> seems to work fast :-) bad stuff: autoupdate with no possibility in the settings for on or off -> but no problem you know ?

Open several dozen tabs if your device supports it, and then open Task Manager in Windows and see how much of your RAM Chrome is consuming. Chrome also has a bug when combined with Windows 10 that doesn't support YouTube HDR video.