Since we have a pinned thread for desktops why not a thread for pic.'s of your room or your desk/workstation? I'll have mine shown up soon. Be posted here next week. Have fun
Nice thread. It should be pinned
Here is my 20" Dell Monitor:
My Macbook - comparing with a Dell Laptop:
Heres mine. Moving stuff around as you can see
Getting a new case "Thx God!"
Parvez, me and you have the same router. You have yours set as a Access Point? I do.
Yup, it's almost same. Your one is RangeMax, i think. I do have it set as access point, but it's only for my network. I don't let anyone in
O... ok.Yup, it's almost same. Your one is RangeMax, i think. I do have it set as access point, but it's only for my network. I don't let anyone in
Pretty green/blue
WOAhh.. that's hot. Did you customize the router's parts or something? Or it comes like that? It looks nice. I wish my router had those blue lights.
I got an external HDD so i'll update picture tomorrow.
If I recall that Router cost my parents freaking $250 or somewhere in the 100's at least.WOAhh.. that's hot. Did you customize the router's parts or something? Or it comes like that? It looks nice. I wish my router had those blue lights.
I got an external HDD so i'll update picture tomorrow.
Wow. You people suck
This thread needs more picture of workstations!
What is so interesting about looking at peoples desks?
What is so interesting about looking at peoples monthly desktop?
What is so interesting about looking at peoples posts?
Well, I like seeing what programs and stuff they use.
Also the way your desktop is also reflects how you use your computer.
I guess I'm just not interested in seeing the chair your sitting in or the extension cords going into the wall.
I have that first one up there to show off my beautiful Cordoba (and part of my CD collection).
But yeah comments and questions appreciated .
Edit: Got a new addition to my desk this time
You may need this Jago
Edit: Got a new addition to my desk this time
I suspect your mouse is missing now and your cat is licking its paws.
You may need this Jago
Ahaha no joke.
Edit: Got a new addition to my desk this time
You could always give it its own MAC
I also have a Netgear WGR614 router.
Sorry, I didn't mean to kill the thread.....