You sure you want a Mac?

:lol: Another reason not to buy a MacBook or a Dell Laptop.

edit: Changed "over" to "or", Dell's blow up aswell.

Dell makes cheapo computers now a days.

Weren't they the ones blowing up last year with the sony batteries? That may have been HP.

Anyway, the best laptops are toshiba, IBM thinkpads, and MacBooks. :)

Dell makes cheapo computers now a days.

Weren't they the ones blowing up last year with the sony batteries? That may have been HP.

Anyway, the best laptops are toshiba, IBM thinkpads, and MacBooks. :)

Woops, yes I ment it that way, will edit my post to make that obvious :lol: .

I don't like the style of most IBM's they look the same as they did in Win98 days.