defrags. Are you suggesting not to use GegCompact.Net? Thank You!
Probably does the same as NTREGOPT. Looking into it now..
Actually it's more complicated than NTREGOPT, but probably still gets the same result. At least it makes automatic backups of the hives, which NTREGOPT doesn't do (as of this post) and you'd normally need ERUNT (highly recommended anyway) to make backups. Seems kinda nice. Thanks for the heads-up on it. I may try it out. or
None work for me :-/
Dj, I searched *.rcbak files and then deleted them all with Remove On Reboot ( as per the Reg (sorry Tarun yes, should be an R!) Compact suggestions ( and everything is working fine. Apparently RegCompact is the only thing creating files ending in rcbak. I was able to determine they were RC files by their date obviously, also.
Yeah it wasn't a domain name guys. I should have clarified once I found it myself
You shouldn't delete the *.rcbak files right away, they're your only ticket out if RegCompact .NET screws up or your registry gets corrupted (they are the backups from just before you ran RC.NET)
RegCompact .NET (as in, .NET framework) is a pretty good program. It does exactly the same thing NTREGOPT does, but it makes backups and it is more visual -- it shows you the percentage of each optimized hive -- my classes hive (and another which I forget) went down to 3% of its original size (which isn't much considering it was 256 KB, heh)
It's also open source ( if you happen to like the terrifying .NET language ;D )