XML Error

New HP PC - Windows 8.1 x64 - fully updated. Running with local user account as Administrator.

When I attempt to check CCleaner Options/Advanced/Skip User Account Control Warning - I get a CCleaner dialog box with

The task XML contains a value which is incorrectly formatted or out of range.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled CCleaner with no change - v5.02.5101 (64-bit).

Ran in debug mode - nothing in log file of any interest.

Can you provide any assistance? Thanks

It is an issue with the task created to do the skipping. instructions below::

  1. Right click "this pc" on your desktop or start menu Choose "Manage"
  2. Scroll down the left side pane to "task scheduler" and click the arrow next to those words so that it shows the folder "task scheduler library"
  3. Now look to the top-right side pane and locate the task called "ccleanerskipUAC"
  4. Right click that and choose properties.

I have posted images of mine, yours may require a few tweaks depending on your username's privilage level and your uac setup,


Notes: I'm an Administrator who is password protected, with the Highest security for UAC


Mine Seems to work fine set and "Configure for Windows 8.1" ( the last setting on this image" That said, previously, I used to have to drop this OS list down and Change it to "Configure for Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2". So you may have to change it to the opposite of what you current have it saved as. Also note that "Run with Highest Privileges" IS check off, as is Run Only when the user is logged on"


I have nothing in the "Triggers" tab so I've skipped (no pun) to the third tab "Actions"

You too should have only one action. The location should point to where your ccleaner.exe is. So if it says the same thing as mine and yet your ccleaner is really located, for instance, at "g:\system utilities" that might be an issue. Also an issue might be that there are no " " marks or the " marks are including $(Arg0) instead of excluding it like mine does.


I've nothing Activated in the next tab "Conditions" so we will go the "settings" tab but you may want to look that tab over just in case. I'd say make your "settings" the same as mine.

Thanks for the reply.

I've done as you suggested - I have no task called "ccleanerskipUAC"

Then the skipuac feature is not functioning correctly, what level is your UAC set to, can you create a task with the same settings as mine shown above

UAC is set to the highest level.

I was able to create a task with the same settings as shown, but it does no good.

The reason is that as soon as I check the option "Skip User Account Control Warning" I get the XML error dialog. Subsequent CCleaner opens never have the dialog box checked.

The developers read all bug reports and may ask for more information, I'm not sure what else to try, manually creating the task should have bypassed creation of an XML


I've even tried many situations

Set CCleaner to SkipUAC > Exit CCleaner > Delete SkipUAC Task>Start CCleaner = Task Recreated UAC Skipped No XML error

Set CCleaner not to SkipUAC > Exit CCleaner > Import SkipUAC Task (see spoiler below) > Start CCleaner = UAC Skipped No XML error

Set CCleaner not to SkipUAC > Exit CCleaner > Open CCleaner (UAC triggers) > set CCleaner to skipUAC > Task Created

Please can try setting ccleaner to save settings in ini format (via options advanced same page as skipUAC) and upload the text in between these


Here is the text of my skipUAC you will have to type your username into line 9 between the tags and make sure your ccleaner exe is referenced in line 37

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.4" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
    <Author>Piriform Ltd</Author>
  <Triggers />
    <Principal id="Author">
  <Actions Context="Author">
      <Command>"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe"</Command>

Hi -

Can you please be more specific as to what I need to do with resultant XML file?