My videocard has broken down. I now need to install a new videocard but am uncertain whether the following videocard will be sufficient for my computer. I have a computer that is about 6 years old, runs on WinXP, has Asus V8420 Geforce 4 Ti4200 Deluxe, Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz 533 MHz.
I can get a the following videocard for just a few euro: Geforce 4 MX480 64mb, diamond Viper V330 AGP, Nvidia Vanta 16 - Ms8830, videocard s3 trio64 v2/dx.
Would these videocards work for my computer? (I don't run sophisticated graphical software). If not, how can I see whether a videocard is appropriate for my pc? Which one would you recommend?
Can you provide links? It would be a great help. However, I'm going to be the first, but I won't be the only, to say that you should consider saving up and purchasing a new machine. It would be worth it in the long run.
What kind of pc do you have? (if its store bought)
If not, what kind of motherboard do you have?
If your PC is that old (like mine) I strongly suspect the mother board only accepts PCI cards as opposed to PCI Express (PCIe) cards. That greatly reduces your options but more importantly should answer your question in this thread. The other thing to consider is what type of ports does it have and do you need. If you have a good LCD monitor or are planning to upgrade to one (which you could use with a newer system down the road) you'll want to make sure the card has DVI or even HDMI ports if your monitor has them.
If your PC is that old (like mine) I strongly suspect the mother board only accepts PCI cards as opposed to PCI Express (PCIe) cards.
This would make yours really old, more likely the OP would have an AGP slot for video, tho' we'd need to know the motherboard model to be sure.