Wordpress Idea/Experiment

Alright I started a wordpress blog here:


What I want to know is if its possible to let other people post topics on it as well. I kind of have a write up of my plan for this here:


If it is possible to do this would anyone want to help out and post topics ect? Also what do you all think of that layout? What do you think about this idea in general? If this is successful then I will probably pay for a domain name to host it and then start a forum to go along side of it. I think this could be a pretty cool thing to do. I want to eventually get my own site up and running but I just want to make sure I like it first.(before putting in the time and money)

i think its a good idea in general but as far as the forum goes, you need something to offer.

Ccleaner has its cleaner but what would you have to offer?

thats always been my idea about forums, why would they come to yours instead of anyone elses?

looks nice and you got a nice layout going for you.

Yeah I know what your saying. The forum is not going to happen anytime soon but I have a few ideas to get it off the ground and running. Basically I'm going to get the blog running first and see if I even like running a site.

Currently I'm working on too much at one time to get anything done quickly.:P So I decided to put the blog on hold untill probably thursday and get the other stuff done first.

My first thing I plan to get done is a new spyware removal guide(about half way done). It needs updating badly and I plan to do it up right with screenshots,ect. Same thing with the spyware free guide. I have a few things already typed up to post on the blog I just have to revise it and maybe add to them a little.

Now if only I can get off the damn video games for a few hours and get something done. :P

video games? its beer and boobies that keep me from making a webpage!


video games? its beer and boobies that keep me from making a webpage!


Well its monday night... do you get drunk every day? :P

i work 5 days on and 4 days off, so i have to kind of cycle things. but boobies are good any day. :)