Word Viewer 97 MRUs

I have no idea how to clear Microsoft Word Viewer 97 recent file list? I haven't found any file or registry key where those files could be saved.

Microsoft Word Viewer 97 is 9 years old?

People still use that? :unsure:

I use that. Not much use of it anyway..

Well, if its 9 year old, it probably won't be able to open most documents since most documents are created with new version of Word such as Word 2002.

Well, if its 9 year old, it probably won't be able to open most documents since most documents are created with new version of Word such as Word 2002.

Be easy on us, especially the old timers. I use Power Point Viewer 97. It has not failed to open anything I have tried so far.

Cee CeeSearch for and download MRU Blaster. It will remove MRUs, usually.

MRU-Blaster (by the makers of SpywareBlaster) is located here:


The screenshot below shows the apps it will clean:


i have used MRU-Blaster for a long,long time. It's set run on start up,but it's not clearing those Word Viewer MRUs. Those WV MRUs really not seem to be stored anywhere,reg. key or a file. That's why i really don't know how to clean those MRUs.

CeeCee wrote:

i have used MRU-Blaster for a long,long time. It's set run on start up,but it's not clearing those Word Viewer MRUs. Those WV MRUs really not seem to be stored anywhere,reg. key or a file. That's why i really don't know how to clean those MRUs.

If there is no option in your WV-Programm to not store any Recent-Files-Lists, you can delete any MRU-Entry throughout the Registry with a separate Programm like Regseeker.

Or - Open any document under an Application, name and save it immediately. Then go into the Registry, and have a look if this document is somewhere saved there in a clear-text-format.
