Word File Recovery Problem


I have used Recuva, scanned my computer and successfully found the accidentally deleted word files.

On the screen within Recuva which allows files to be selected, the required files have a green blob, give a Size of ?162 bytes? and State of ?excellent?, with Comment saying ?No overwritten clusters detected?.

However when I try to recover the files, despite which drive I select, the recovered files have a size of only 1 KB. Although the recovery process seemed to work (message appearing saying files were recovered in 0.04 secs etc), the files do not load correctly with an error message appearing in word saying 'Word cannot start the converter mswrd632'. After clicking ok a few times, a word document appears with a single line of rubbish. I have searched what the message code means and this appears to want the original XP disc. I have inserted this but it does not seem to help.

I would be really grateful for any help please.


How long have these files been deleted??

Richard S.

The files were deleted in February. I forgot to mention that the normal scan did not find them, only the deep scan (not sure if this makes a difference).


You usually have better success recovering files from a hard drive if they have only been deleted a few days ago.

2 to 3 months is really pushing your changes because disk read / write activity would have certainly destroyed your data.

Deep scan while useful in some situations doesn't always work because it can detect fragments that look like files but turns out to be total gibberish.

Richard S.