Wise Registry Cleaner?

Has anyone tried this software? I've used other register cleaners before but I'm not too sure how good they are and I don't much confidence with them as some can be too aggressive and delete important files. I've come across this one today and I'm not sure how good this is. Here's a quote from the site:

Wise Registry Cleaner free is a powerful free registry cleaner and registry optimizer, it speeds up your PC by cleaning your Windows Registry. It removes the junk that accumulates in your Windows Registry. You can safely and easily clean your Windows registry.

Does anyone know if this is safe to use? Some of the other cleaners only scans but doesn't fix/clean the registry but I think this one does, although I'm not too sure. Anyone have any negative experiences with this program?

This is a registry cleaner. Even if they say "it is safe", you should do a registry backup before...

Has anyone tried this software? I've used other register cleaners before but I'm not too sure how good they are and I don't much confidence with them as some can be too aggressive and delete important files. I've come across this one today and I'm not sure how good this is. Here's a quote from the site:

Does anyone know if this is safe to use? Some of the other cleaners only scans but doesn't fix/clean the registry but I think this one does, although I'm not too sure. Anyone have any negative experiences with this program?

I've been using for several months and worked fine in my machine. I use Pro version n love cool black skin.

I use once a month.

My advices :

1.Let default setting do scan your registry.(leave IEurl History n Emptykeys unchecked) .

2.Before you do,back up & create restore point checked. ;)

I've been thinking RegCure or Registry Mechanic.They both are my top recommendations.

For freeware, WRC. ;)

Thanks guys.

I'm still looking for more opinions if anyone would like to chime in.

Registry cleaners are a waste of time. They aren't going to make any noticeable difference to your PC speed, and theres a good chance you will destroy your PC

I have tried it. It seems to be not overly aggressive. I have not lost important files such as connections to my printer/scanner or other such device(which some other cleaners destroy)

I am measuring this up against Registry First-Aid which has been good to me over many years(from Win95?..it has been a long time, thru Win98, to XP) and I am still on "Free trial".

Registry cleaning seems to be a mechanic repair thing - what one mechanic fixes and determines to be everything in your car, is not the same in the next mechanics eyes.

I have used other Registry Cleaner right after using one program and they find something else.

However, I think some are fudging the truth because they always find the "same number and type of problems every time you use it. Registry First-Aid varies on what it finds. Sometimes maybe only a dozen, and if you have not done it in awhile, maybe 500. And it shows you the results. I want to see what it deems as an error.

Be suspicious of programs that firstly do not automatically make a backup before it goes to work, and then it claim it found something and won't show you the results before it cleans it up.

I have caught the odd program that wanted to nuke my printer connections(just because I have the printer temporarily disconnected does not mean I want to lose all the settings.

Every program seems to have a registry cleaner. Such as CrapCleaner. And I have used them too. And they all seem to find something and it is safe to remove it.

Are they a benefit? Much more than "defrag is". Computer speed is enhanced.

Blue screen of death is a thing of the past. Computer will not "hang". If you are one who has a machine that is tight for memory and HDD space you will notice the benefits immediately.

Just because you paid for it does not mean it is any good. It could be overly aggressive.

I use "Registry First Aid"(over and over till the job is done)

Also I use "Eusing Free Registry First Aid" and I have never had a problem and I don't even review what it has found.

That plus Ad-Aware and a permanent antivirus program(yeah, I use a free one) keeps my 4 machines up and running.

So do I use Wise Registry Cleaner. Sure. It has not caused a problem as of yet. And it is a 1 swipe cleaning.

As for the Wise PC cleaner; I use CrapCleaner as it seems to be adequate. After all, I was looking for memory space and working with very little HDD remaining.

Having useless registry info was taking away from space I needed.

BEWARE of self promoting registry cleaners RegCure is one of those types. All talk and you wish you never had it.

RegMechanic is the same program with a different name. Again a hair puller to remove or eliminate.

The ones with the "testimonials" are the ones that are crap. I have used them. They do not uninstall completely or easily either. Another sign it is "crapware" or "BSware" or "Dickware"

I don't write registry cleaning programs, I just happened to get some before the crapware market took off.

"SpySherriff and its clan of 5 is also crapware-your machine will end up in the shop"

I call them as I see them. I have been on computers before pc's