I'm trying to get info on cost & set-up for a wireless router between 2 home PCs. I'm checking online now. Anybody know of what's good and what to stay away from? They usually don't tell you that kind of stuff in reviews.
Brand wise? I like Linksys. I have the WRT54GS from them, and haven't been more pleased. I have two PC's wired, along with a Nintendo Wii in the basement that can access it with no problem. Cable internet from Cox Communications.
Basically it's my sis's PC with an ADSL modem on the 1st floor, and another PC with no modem on the 2nd floor. Do I need 2 routers (1 for each PC) or just one router set up at my sisters' modem?
I've heard of Linksys before. My sis's modem "speedtest.com" carriage is about 5000 download and 450 upload. What range $$$ (per router) am I looking at? I don't want to spend an arm & a leg.
Sorry for the extremely basic questions. I've never had routers in my life before.
If you are comparing the WRT54 and the WRT54GS, the 54 is about $40 and the 54GS about $60 at circuit City. You may find used ones on EBay, etc. for less.
Whatever brand and model you get, make sure its compatible with your internet service provider before you buy. As well as an Internet connection and modem, you will also need a wired Ethernet adapter or wireless card for each PC on your network. Since your computers are separated, at least one of them should have a wireless card to elimate running a long ethernet cable.
I've had the WRT54GS for about seven months and have had no problems. I have DSL from ATT. Currently, I only have my PC and a WII game console connected. The PC is a wired ethernet connection bcause my PC does not have a wireless card and the router is physically close to the PC. The WII connection is wireless.
I plan to take my printers wireless on the next printer upgrade.
First off you only need 1 router.
From that router you can connect up to 4 computers wired and then of course you can connect wirelessly. To pick up the signal you need something to recieve the signal with. Either this:
Or this:
(one internal, one is external. They of course dont have to be those brands.)
Thanks everybody, but I think I'm gonna go with a 75 foot ethernet wire. Ticky tacky & all, but at worst it'll look goth/steam punk. Now let's see if I can find a PC store that won't rip me off for friggin wire.
Yeah I prefer wired as well. I have a Linksys 350 N router (and also a Linksys 54G but not hitched up) and wired 4 spots in my home with and am not sorry I did it. But if I could find a router that would allow me to wire more spots, I would definately upgrade as I want to run internet to more rooms, and just prefer wired vs. wireless.
I bought one of these...wires. Takes 3 to 4 days to get here. That'll work fine.