That would depend on where the factory reset was coming from.
As @login123 stated, one way is to use the Recovery partition if your ACER has it, so if this was going to be done, doing a drive wipe may effect that.
It all depends on what the wipe does, what partitions get included, if you have a Recovery partition.
If you don't want to go down the 'buy a new drive' path, and you consider the chance (however small) of having any data potentially recovered, then if it was my laptop I was selling, I would get the Windows 7 installation CD ready, my Product Key and any drivers needed to reinstall the network card, sound card, video card, USB3 ports etc ready, then I would MAKE SURE MY DATA IS BACKED UP, and reboot the PC changing BIOS to boot from CD first.
I would have had my Windows 7 in the tray, tell the laptop to boot from DVD and during the Windows installation process, tell it to delete my current partition and start again.
I can't stress enough, once you go down the path of 'wipe and reload' there is no turning back. Once you sell the PC there will be no "Whoops, I forgot to save my bookmarks" avenue to get anything back.
If you haven't backed up ALL you data before when reloading Windows, there is always some niggling thing you forget.
Up to you, but I still think you should consider buying a new drive option.
If you don't mind me asking, what is your skill set in installing a new drive, or backing up your software, or performing a factory reset?
Just trying to gauge if I'm teaching you to suck eggs and you already have a handle on all this. ![:)]()