I would like to know if it is possible to run CC out side of windows from the portable version of CC please. I may need to wipe my C: drive at some stage.
I would like to know if it is possible to run CC out side of windows from the portable version of CC please. I may need to wipe my C: drive at some stage.
You should be able to use the portable CC from a flash drive,
and it should be able to Wipe free space on drive C:\ whilst running under Windows.
You will NOT be able to wipe the entire drive C:\ whilst that is your active system drive.
If you create a Live USB (a USB flash drive containing a full operating system which can be booted) and install CCleaner onto it you may be able to although I've never tried to/don't know how to. I'm also not sure if CCleaner's Drive Wiper will function onto other hard drives although I have a sneaking suspicion it may do judging from the options if you plug in a USB. In any case it is probably better to use another boot-time hard drive wiping software like DBAN to suit your purpose.