the previous two posts have been moved from
this is in reply to a PM from this user. With his permission, only, will I publish that PM. However the PM was of reply to my answer of his previous post above, and had no place in private.
I don't understand what your talking about, "protocol rules?
but if you've got argument with anything I said at least on the technical end (i.e. if I did not personally insult/offend you) then it needs to be taken up on a public thread. I'm not sure why this is a Private message.
I assume you are referring to
3) as posted in YOUR thread, it really doesn't sound like CCleaner caused your issue. There is NOTHING that CCleaner cleans by default in the cleaner section which would cause profile corruption
but I'm not sure what you mean. What I meant by that is that we need to, In a public thread not a reply to this PM please, investigate what exactly was cleaned. Please be aware that there are many users (including I believe the developers) who function fine on the 64bit versions of XP, Vista, and Windows 7.
Now what I am not doing is saying the various, different problems that have occurred to you and other users, with the only tie being 64bit OS is are not all one problem with CCleaner, though in all probability they are separate issues.
For instance in the thread that you hijacked the user EXPLICITLY STATES
Then i downloaded the latest version of the CCleaner,
did registry cleaning. Restarted the machine... No go. The bios got stuck (yes i have the latest bios update installed). Must klick the powersupply off, and do the normal start. Then it worked ok. And again tried restart = same problem. Network machines were not shown. It couldnt even see itself anymore, only the modem/router.
emphasis added by me.
What this user did was, as far as he has described, clean out something FROM THE REGISTRY which the computer needed at boot (thus I have my advice in my signature)
What you did was clean junk using CCleaner. If you used no includes than we must look at what you did delete.
You can read in plain English each and every thing and program cleaned by CCleaner by downloading the files found HERE
With our help (or even on your own) you will see EXACTLY what was cleaned and then you can let us know where the file that CCleaner removed was which caused your issue. At that point it can be seen if there is an issue with all of CCleaner for windows 64bit or if something else happened.
What I will not stand for is the public outcrying of
. I am now NOT using CCleaner at all because of this problem!
in other peoples thread, thus I split this conversation and merged it with your thread. Nor do I believe PM is for technical issues thus my answer here in the public to your PM