WIPE DISK... GREAT security topic.... but :
What is i have more than one disk in my system. How to wipe these ?
And does CCLEANER also check other disks in the system to clean ?
WIPE DISK... GREAT security topic.... but :
What is i have more than one disk in my system. How to wipe these ?
And does CCLEANER also check other disks in the system to clean ?
Go to CCleaner\Options\Settings, and you'll find checkboxes for the various drives on your system. You may have to drag the bottom edge of CCleaners window down to see them clearly.
Of course you still need to check the "Wipe Free Space" checkbox in the advanced section.
Your other question ... CCleaner will only clean the System Drive but you can add files or folders for any location in CCleaner\Options\Include Add Files or Folders. And you need to check "Custom Files And Folders" in the Windows Advanced section for this to work.