Wipe MFT Free Space

Hi, I noticed that the drive wiper will wipe the MFT free space first, then wipe the free space on the drive. If I'm interested in wiping the MFT free space only, may I cancel the wipe after it's finished with that?

Other forum members have said that they do that with no ill effect. I doubt if there's an official answer to 'May I ...do ..that?'

Manually stopping the wipe isn't recommended as we occasionally get posts like "where did my free space disappear to", and we say something like "you cancelled Wipe Free Space/Drive Wiper before it finished".

You can cancel it, but you'll then have to find the leftover files in the root of the hard disk it was on at the moment and manually delete them, or run Wipe Free Space/Driver Wiper and let it finish.