Wipe MFT free space

I am looking to use the new 'Wipe MFT free space' option. However, can anyone advise whether it is possible to run this option alone and nothing else?

It would be good it CCleaner erased a file's MFT record automatically when it erased a file.

I recently created a new Partition, named 'D', from my 'C' drive, is it true that when I save a file into the new 'D' drive an MFT index link is created on the C drive pointing to the file contents of the 'D drive.? So if I was to completely format the 'D' partition and then erase all the resulting free space, a link to all the erased files will still exist on the C drive's MFT?

I also suggest that it might to useful to transfer your C drive's Document folder onto a dedicated Partition and keep it a reasonable size, then it will be much easier to erase the free space on a regular basis, rather than do such on the C drive, which can be very, very big. I also understand that should your C drive/OS become corrupted you could have a better chance of recovering your documents from the separate partition.

Mm, sorry but for now you must Wipe Free Space, and it'll wipe MFT with it. Sadly theres no other way *yet*

I like the idea as well.

Hi frankeveryday

If you want to clear the MFT alone you could use eraser which is built for this very purpose in mind. As mentioned before many times CC does a first class job of what its ment to do. But to wipe free space or clear the MFT or even just the cluster tip area eraser does a very good job. Hope this helps...