I love Ccleaner and think it's a great program. I've just started using 'wipe free space' and noticed that Ccleaner wipes all files to a folder with a long number that it then deletes. I used Recuva and found the files but could not overwrite them as it was grey'ed out and could not restore as it was in the MFT and 'Access is denied'. My question is: As Ccleaner wipes the files and puts them in a folder - if I ran 'wipe free space' again for safety using Ccleaner or Stellar Wipe, which I've just bought, would the files within Ccleaners folder, which it deletes after a wipe, be able to be wiped again or does it mean, because their in a folder, no further wiping can take place? My opererating system is a standard Windows XP for home use. Many thanks
I love Ccleaner and think it's a great program. I've just started using 'wipe free space' and noticed that Ccleaner wipes all files to a folder with a long number that it then deletes. I used Recuva and found the files but could not overwrite them as it was grey'ed out and could not restore as it was in the MFT and 'Access is denied'. My question is: As Ccleaner wipes the files and puts them in a folder - if I ran 'wipe free space' again for safety using Ccleaner or Stellar Wipe, which I've just bought, would the files within Ccleaners folder, which it deletes after a wipe, be able to be wiped again or does it mean, because their in a folder, no further wiping can take place? My opererating system is a standard Windows XP for home use. Many thanks
It's not a great idea to do things you are not sure of. Firstly WFS does not send any files to a folder. Also WFS is pointless and add's unnecessary strain to your hard drive.
For more information read http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner/using-ccleaner/wiping-free-disk-space
WFS does make a foler whe n wipeing free space, it's labelled as 54986890948990 or some other string of numbers that it then deletes. My question was - can that folder which contains numerous files be overwritten again. I am sure of using Ccleaner which I've used many, many times as a standard cleanup but my question was can the folder which Ccleaner creates when using the WFS option be further overwritten?
WFS does make a foler whe n wipeing free space, it's labelled as 54986890948990 or some other string of numbers that it then deletes. My question was - can that folder which contains numerous files be overwritten again. I am sure of using Ccleaner which I've used many, many times as a standard cleanup but my question was can the folder which Ccleaner creates when using the WFS option be further overwritten?
Your question can't be answered because what you are asking is pointless. The tempory folder/files that are created contain no data of any importance what so ever or have nothing to do or have ever been on your computer/laptop before.
I suggest reading up on what WFS is.
The question is not pointless, Ccleaner overwrites MOST of the data, all I am asking is wether Ccleaner can do a further overwrite of the MOSTLY overwritten files it has put into the 34895y90698469846985 etc folder. Ccleaner DOES create this type of folder as I have seen several replies from admisitrators that specificallly refer to this folder.
I'm very much aware of the folder thats created during WFS. No files are put in it from your computer. Ccleaner creates these tempory files.
WFS is set at by default to one over pass.
Do you need to sell your drive ? Did you delete top secret files that should never be recovered ?
Unless the answer to one of those questions is yes, you shouldn't use WFS.
Besides...how do you know CCleaner doesn't overwrite all the data ?
Great, super, fine, ok.............so can the files that Ccleaner has overwitten MOSTLY, be overwritten again or not?
How do you know they are overwritten "mostly" ?
Because I used Recuva and looked.............OK?
I hate compuuters!
Out of curiosity why would you want to over write these files that WFS has created.
Because, AFTER CHECKING, MOST of the files are erased but some files remain and would benefit from a second scrub.
Why though? You still haven't listened to my original comment on what these files are that WFS has created.
Did you check the "Wipe MFT Free Space" checkbox in CCleaner's settings?
Yes I checked MFT..........jeez, all I want to know is can the files that Ccleaner creates and deposits on the free space, as SEEN by Recuva, are able to be further overwritten........if I dont get an answer, I'm going to change my name and go and live on a deserted desert island where there are no computers and live forever on fish and coconuts.
Yes I checked MFT..........jeez, all I want to know is can the files that Ccleaner creates and deposits on the free space, as SEEN by Recuva, are able to be further overwritten........if I dont get an answer, I'm going to change my name and go and live on a deserted desert island where there are no computers and live forever on fish and coconuts.
Jesus , when will you let it sink in that there is no information of any significance in the files that WFS creates.
WFS will not speed up your computer, It wont increase space, it serves no purpose unless if you later decide to sell your pc.
OK........thanks........if you decide to visit me I am in the caribbean
.....third island from the left.....you cant miss it.........thanks and have a nice day.........P.S bring your own beer
The MFT contains entries for live and deleted files. If you tick Wipe MFT Entries then CC will count the number of deleted entries in the MFT, and create that amount of files with around (I think) 800 bytes of randomish data so that all the deleted file names and info are overwritten. You can look at these deleted entries using Recuva. Files under 1k are mostly held in the MFT entirely. Recuva can't, or won't, touch the MFT. So secure deletion will not work on these files. (But they are, as Ident points out, of no use to man or beast anyway.)
You can rerun CC with Wipe MFT enabled as often as you like. Those previously overwritten entries will be overwritten again.
Wipe Free Space is separate from WMFT as CC writes large files of zeroes over every free cluster it can find until the disk is full, then it deletes those files. Those large files can be seen and I believe secure deleted with Recuva, but it would be pointless to do that.
(This is more or less how CC and Recuva work, based on posts in this forum. Or so I think.)
A good and comprehensive answer........many thanks to you Augeas......thats exactly what I needed to know! Many thanks