Wipe Free Space ruined my SSD drive (2)!

Win 7 Pro (32). Maxed out ZT i7/2600 (3.85ghz) sata6 desktop computer.

Too many writes with Wipe Free Space caused my Crucial C300 SSD drive to lock up, and finally quit working!

RMA'd it, and the 2nd drive also quit after a few CCleaner runs!?

I didn't find Wipe Free Space on until my 3d SSD drive (Crucial Support reported that I had exceeded the write cycles on first two drives).

Since lockups/video problems usually started soon after running CCleaner- I checked Every setting?

Why CCleaner would default enable a SLOW process like Wipe Free Space for most users, is beyond me?

I could see maybe using it if you were going to sell your sata drive computer, but there is absolutely No performance improvement!

Wipe Free Space is akin to defragging an SSD drive- A Real No No, as you can only write a limited amount of times to a block- Then it becomes Read Only, and crashes When CC tries to write to a Read only block...


BTW- I've given up Hassling with SSD's (3d). It was Very fast at first, but the more large folders/programs I added-

It got slower & slower (no video editing..., just normal computing). Simple read/write benchmarks were Fast, but normal processes were slow to load/run/close (Slow IO's!)...

Per SSD forums- I also had to disable indexing, and System Restore. :o

Solution!- I "upgraded" to a WD Raptor 450gig/sata6/10k rpm C: hard drive-

Defragged & Optimized with free Auslogics Defrag (sys files too, and First Fully Exit anti-virus!).

My system Screams now, and is 3x faster than SSD (full OSS anti-virus scan went from 65min, down to 23min)!


Why CCleaner would default enable a SLOW process like Wipe Free Space for most users, is beyond me?

In my experience CC does not enable and has never enabled WFS by default.

Too many writes with Wipe Free Space caused my Crucial C300 SSD drive to lock up, and finally quit working!

RMA'd it, and the 2nd drive also quit after a few CCleaner runs!?

You seem to be technically competent, perhaps it would have been better if you'd taken a few seconds to flick though CC and turn WFS off. Didn't you notice how long CC was taking?

Win7 has some concessions to SSD's, by disabling some HD services. Maybe CC could detect an SSD when enabling or running WFS and issue some warning or check.

(From the embedded ini)

[Wipe Free Space]

This option is not enabled by default, and has a warning that must be clicked through to turn it on.

You even have to manually tick the drive boxes for each and every drive for it to run on, definitely not automatically enabled but instead more like it was enabled once before and was forgotten to be disabled.

Hey that's an ideal for Piriform, auto-disable Wipe Free Space after it's ran.

Hey that's an ideal for Piriform, auto-disable Wipe Free Space after it's ran.


I agree. I think someone suggested a 'run once' option for CCleaner a while back, in that a box would untick itself after being run.