Am I correct in understanding that Wipe Free space is governed by the 1/3/7/35 Pass Options under Tools => Drive Wiper => Security ?
I consider anything more than a single pass to be a self-evident waste of time because :-
If all files are securely deleted, then all free space is already wiped,
and over one year most of it will have never received a file so a weekly wipe * 35 pass is tending towards overkill ! ! !
If a file has been deleted without being securely deleted the sectors which it used have become part of free space.
When a new file is created it uses sectors within free space,
and I believe the O.S. is likely to avoid the slower access end of the disc,
and will therefore allocate sectors with faster access, such as the newly deleted file.
A subsequent Wipe Freespace will NOT wipe the sectors that have been over-written by the new file.
Any old deleted file that has been over-written by a file with random noise pattern data has had the equivalent of a single pass random wipe.
Any old deleted file that has been over-written by a file with non-random information has had the equivalent of a single pass NON-random wipe.
I suggest you need luck for the deleted file sectors to still be available as free space for a 35 pass wipe.