wipe free space drives

G'day; Would it be possible to include a "shut down computer" option ??

I have multiple HDDs and when I run "Wipe free space", it can take a long time but if there was a shut down option I could run the wipe option when I am finished with my PC and have it shut down when finished.

Blessings Miykelhttp://forum.piriform.com/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif

G'day; Would it be possible to include a "shut down computer" option ??

I have multiple HDDs and when I run "Wipe free space", it can take a long time but if there was a shut down option I could run the wipe option when I am finished with my PC and have it shut down when finished.

Blessings Miykelhttp://forum.piriform.com/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif

What does it mean to "Wipe Free Space"? I did a routine clean today and noticed the "Wipe Free Space" button. I wanted to know what it does and why it takes a long to do. Thanks.

Pleanty of discussion on what WFS is and whether/when it should be run. Can both of you please search the site first and then come back to the thread.

Re: shutdown the problem I see with this (this is just my opinion and not meant to spark any sort of fight) is quite often a program that has run for a long time (lets say 15hours) and then shut downs might just shut down while you are in the middle of something else. And please do not come back at me with a "well you could have a countdown timer that allows the shut down to be cancled" as my exprience is that often a user is either click happy and clicks through it or (more often) happens to be away from the computer just at the exact time the timer apears

G'Day and thanks for the reply;

As I said I have multiple HDDs on my PC and Lapy so when I run "wipe free space" it takes a long time, I never do it when running other programs, only when the PCs are free, which isn't very often, but it would be good to wipe free space when I go to bed and have the computers shut down when finished. Don't need timers or anything like that, it would be convenient thats all.

Blessings Miykel.