Windows xp x64 registry keys bug?


I'm using Ccleaner 1.29 in windows xp x64 and everytime I reboot some keys that ccleaner cleaned appear again.

The Keys are


"@C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\restore\\rstrui.exe,-2048"="Restaurar sistema"


"@C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mstsc.exe,-4000"="Conexi?n a Escritorio remoto"


"@C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\hnetwiz.dll,-3085"="Asistente para configuraci?n de red"


"@C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\RCBdyctl.dll,-150"="Incidente de asistencia remota de Microsoft "

All of them are Windows related keys so perhaps ccleaner shouldn't remove them, as I don't find anything wrong with this files.

Thanks and keep up the good work