I find that if I go start/control panel/Add or Remove and then go to CC and check for issues that I get a number of uninstaller reference issues. If I fix the selected issues all is well until I again visit "Add or Remove".
Is this a bug ? the add or remove still works fine and I experience no other problems. Is there a way to tell CC not to bother reporting these issues ?
If it is not a bug is there a solution ? I have found this happens even on new installations.
I find that if I go start/control panel/Add or Remove and then go to CC and check for issues that I get a number of uninstaller reference issues. If I fix the selected issues all is well until I again visit "Add or Remove".
Is this a bug ? the add or remove still works fine and I experience no other problems. Is there a way to tell CC not to bother reporting these issues ?
If it is not a bug is there a solution ? I have found this happens even on new installations.
Are you saying that just opening add/remove causes this, you'r not actually removing any programs? I've just done as you said a few times and it doesn't happen here.
Perhaps help by letting us know what version of CCleaner and what Windows version you're using
Are you saying that just opening add/remove causes this, you'r not actually removing any programs? I've just done as you said a few times and it doesn't happen here.
Perhaps help by letting us know what version of CCleaner and what Windows version you're using
Yes - just opening add/remove. The only other reg cleaning type program I have running is jv16 power tools.
when I get time I will go back to just xp and cc and see if I still get the problem. my other guess is that it might be related to xp updates.
Windows Xp Sp2 CC 1.32.345 although I have had this problem with previous versions.
As far as I can tell nothing is really wrong - its just annoying. I would be quite happy to check a box telling cc to ignore this "error" as it appears to not be important.
The same happens on my XP system using CCleaner, but it's never caused any problems removing those issues that CCleaner detects. It's probably just some Windows junk that gets created and CCleaner finds it.
If you mean a bunch of registry keys in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Management\ARPCache\ I've had that (I think) ever since I started using CCleaner.
If you mean a bunch of registry keys in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Management\ARPCache\ I've had that (I think) ever since I started using CCleaner.
yes that's it. For example HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Management\ARPCache\{FFB59000-EB47-45BC-842A-EFFBDA635C94}
It doesn't matter whether I get CC to delete FFB5...........C94 or if I do it manually - they just keep coming back
I get those too, I was wondering why they kept reappearing!
I've just done a quick google and found this which explains more:
"What is ARPCache? ARPCache is a secret, undocumented section of the registry used to store information for Add/Remove Program items in the latest versions of Windows. If you open Add/Remove Programs in the newer versions of Windows, you will notice that certain information has been added, such as, size, frequency of use, and last used on. This data is kept in binary files in the ARPCache of the registry. ARPCache stands for Add Remove Programs Cache"
I get those too, I was wondering why they kept reappearing!
I've just done a quick google and found this which explains more:
"What is ARPCache? ARPCache is a secret, undocumented section of the registry used to store information for Add/Remove Program items in the latest versions of Windows. If you open Add/Remove Programs in the newer versions of Windows, you will notice that certain information has been added, such as, size, frequency of use, and last used on. This data is kept in binary files in the ARPCache of the registry. ARPCache stands for Add Remove Programs Cache"
Thanks for all replies. I have now pretty much identified the culprit and it is almost certainly Microsoft - updates.
Building a new system from scratch I have been unable to produce this problem with just windows Xp and CC installed. Adding other programs has also not caused a problem. Only when windows and Office updates have been installed does this start. Other programs have also identified this issue meaning it is clearly not a CC fault.
If this is a non significant microsoft bug then I think all that is needed is an exclude option in CC. There is little point in removing 10 or so items only to have them return. Alternatively if microsoft could program without leaving so much crap behind ......