Well I have been playing with my new system and I am still liking Vista. I have surfed like crazy and have run all my anti malware programs-nadda for any problems thus far.
(I believe this one is mentioned in another thread)
Vista is very nice to look at, and has been working with no problems. Internet hook up works great, surfs with ease, etc. Help and Support that is built in is good.
Here is a link to a codec pack designed for Vista:
Some programs have not run properly on my system (Ntregopt), but most have been zero problems.
Also, they have a built in sidebar that is kind of neat, and has "gadgets" that are basically like add-ons or extensions that individuals make, and can be downloaded and added. I have a calculator, a calendar, the temperature, and my computer ram/cpu usage on a small panel on the desktop. Not for everyone, but works for me.
I'll add some stuff as I get more time on my system.
Oh, I should have added that I read on another forum that the Vista service pack 1 is tentatively scheduled for about 2 years from now, and the next platform "Vienna" would be coming out in about 4 years. Just something to think about.
My thought would be that if Microsoft wanted to make a few bucks and get their platform out there, Vienna should be a minimalist and stripped down operating system at a reduced cost-more people would purchase it, and it would be cheaper to design.
Oh, I should have added that I read on another forum that the Vista service pack 1 is tentatively scheduled for about 2 years from now, and the next platform "Vienna" would be coming out in about 4 years. Just something to think about.
My thought would be that if Microsoft wanted to make a few bucks and get their platform out there, Vienna should be a minimalist and stripped down operating system at a reduced cost-more people would purchase it, and it would be cheaper to design.
Just my two cents.
Then it must be Fuji that is due to be released in less than two years from now.
I thought Vista was secure?
Why do you need anti-malware?
If you like it to look at, check this out, it's free!
I don't know how secure Vista is. I use anti-malware out of habit to be honest. I don't have bad surfing habits, and I run my programs here and there to just be sure. At this point I need/want to have a computer that keeps things simple, and does what I want.
Vista is meeting that need right now. If I was more savvy like some of the posters on this forum, I would probably be more receptive to harder to use, but more customizable applications.
I don't mind talking about linux or even debating why its good or not, but there is no need for the same posts in every topic. Its boring, and it gets old fast.
You don't have to have any security software to keep windows virus free. I and many others on the forum do it every day without a single security program running.
I'm glad you like your new computer 1984, its always fun to get a new one.
You mentioned liking the side bar, have you seen google's version? It might be worth trying(I don't know if it does anything the vista one doesn't or not)
I tried it a few days ago and thought it was pretty cool, but I would never see it since I'm never looking at my desktop.
I hope they have sp3 for xp out before 2 years. The updates are starting to get out of control. (I have a cd with all of them on it anyway, but it would be easier to have an sp3 disc with all of them on it)
Yeah I am pretty happy with it. My wife thinks it was a waste of money, but I love it. A few more years and I will build a desktop.
Never heard of that google side bar before, will definately have to try it out. I seem to really like googles stuff (i use gmail, picassa, etc.) over microsofts generally.
What if google came out with an operating system........
Some think they are actually considering it, but so far they have denied when asked. They are already sort of taking jabs at office with their online apps(not good enough to rely on yet in my opinion but maybe one day), so it wouldn't be too surprising if they actually did it.
I don't know how I would feel about using a google OS, it could be interesting.
You don't have to have any security software to keep windows virus free. I and many others on the forum do it every day without a single security program running.
I don't get this impression reading your other posts.
Such as AVG not updating properly but you just tried it two hours ago with no problems.
I don't get this impression reading your other posts.
Such as AVG not updating properly but you just tried it two hours ago with no problems.
Oh wow, you got me. Not.
1. I have nothing running real time
2. The only reason I even have anything installed at all is for one of the following reasons:
- To check programs I download before I recommend them on here
- If people are having problems I can try to walk them through fixing it
- I also test security software a lot so I can recommend to people what is good and whats not. ( I dont know if you've noticed, but I spend a lot of time helping people clean up computers. I need to know what works and what doesn't).
Ever think that maybe, just maybe I needed to make sure updates were working because I just told someone to use it in a hijackthis log?
A version of the increasingly popular Ubuntu desktop Linux distribution, based on Debian and the Gnome desktop, it is known internally as 'Goobuntu'.
Google has confirmed it is working on a desktop linux project called Goobuntu, but declined to supply further details, including what the project is for.
2. The only reason I even have anything installed at all is for one of the following reasons:
- To check programs I download before I recommend them on here
- If people are having problems I can try to walk them through fixing it
- I also test security software a lot so I can recommend to people what is good and whats not. ( I dont know if you've noticed, but I spend a lot of time helping people clean up computers. I need to know what works and what doesn't).
Ever think that maybe, just maybe I needed to make sure updates were working because I just told someone to use it in a hijackthis log?
How much do you get paid?
Seems like a lot of work to do when you could just educate them and then they wouldn't get virus'. Or need all those programs running. They could surf like you n me and go wherever they wanted to. Click any link they wished. Actually use the internet.
How many computers do you have set up? I mean you would have to test this on 95 to Vista wouldn't you? I have seen software recommended for only one or two versions of windows. How many differently configured computers? Are you given brand new computer set-ups to test this on? All different brands?(HP told me their computers don't like Nero)
Sign me up! I'll even quit recommending Linux to people. Would be bad for business.
LOL! You do know that rridgley is a volunteer on this site and gets paid nothing by the sites owners don't you?
Some people enjoy helping others because its rewarding to help others, and it feels good to use a skill that you are good at to enrich other peoples experiences in life.
Seems like a lot of work to do when you could just educate them and then they wouldn't get virus'. Or need all those programs running. They could surf like you n me and go wherever they wanted to. Click any link they wished. Actually use the internet.
How many computers do you have set up? I mean you would have to test this on 95 to Vista wouldn't you? I have seen software recommended for only one or two versions of windows. How many differently configured computers? Are you given brand new computer set-ups to test this on? All different brands?(HP told me their computers don't like Nero)
Sign me up! I'll even quit recommending Linux to people. Would be bad for business.
1984 had it spot on with what he said in his post.
ALL helpers on here ( and that includes forum members because everyone here tries to help out everyone else) do so because of a desire to help fellow users, make friends and learn a bit at the same time.
rridgely makes an extra effort testing malware/virus software to help new users especially.
People do not become expert computer users overnight and need software to protect 'til they work things out. In fact a lot of users, experienced or not, still prefer to use protection software as things are getting a bit rough out there in case you hadn't noticed.
LOL! You do know that rridgley is a volunteer on this site and gets paid nothing by the sites owners don't you?
Some people enjoy helping others because its rewarding to help others, and it feels good to use a skill that you are good at to enrich other peoples experiences in life.
I happen to do a lot of volunteer work myself for that exact reason. More than most people.
I like to help people.
I go to old folks homes and Churches and do low-income seniors' taxes. I also tutor students free.
I like to think I am trying to help people informing them about Linux and get shot for it every time. Saved me a lot of money and time making the switch.
Some very rude remarks have been made. Maybe you didn't see them before they were edited. I did. There is no call for that, even if you disagree with me.
I've been running Linux two months now doing everything I want. I think it is a viable option for those of us who can't afford new computers and OSs(I am not rich, will probably be late with rent this month).
I still haven't used a command line. Although some of you on windows will have done so. Start>Run...ring a bell?
Before I'm seen as some big jerk(I probably already am ) lets get some things straight.
1. This topic is about 1984's experience with vista and the guides that helped him out. You came into this topic and a few others he posted in or that were about running vista and started making smart remarks like "oh your using an antivirus on vista? I thought it was secure. haha". I'll be honest, you got on my nerves. There is a topic right below this one about linux, there is no need to put the same posts in every topic.
2. Your generalizing way too much and saying stuff that isn't true.
- You said "windows users must spend x amount of hours a month cleaning viruses and they can't "really use the internet". Its just not true and I've already pointed out why.
- You keep saying that linux is cheeper than windows and it just isn't true. Most people go to places like best buy to get the sale for $300 where you get a pc and an lcd monitor. They aren't building their computers and guess whats on them? Thats right windows(imagine that. ). So they aren't saving any money by using linux. For linux to be attractive to people it will have to be able to "just work" and right now it doesn't. I tried it on 3 of my own computers and I had to go into the command line to fix at least 2 hardware problems or more(the worst of which was on my laptop). I tried mutiple times and the official ubuntu documentation stuff wasn't very good(plus it was outdated). There just isn't a reason for most people to switch unless they have an old pc running windows 98 or something and the only reason I would agree with that is because MS isn't patching 98 anymore.
- The fact is that windows is runing on like 98% of all computers and if Linux is going to change that its going to have to offer a better experience than windows to at least 60% of those people. It hasn't done that yet so for now Windows>Linux. To be honest I'm not even opposed to buying a distro like mandriva or red hat but when I tried them I had the same problems as the free ones.
I think I edited one post in that other topic that I felt was a little rude. It was because I was writing 2 posts at once and I didn't put in the same level of thought that I usually do. I edited a few minutes later and honestly thought no one had seen it since no one replied. I think it was just a little smart remark and wasn't calling anyone names or something, but if it hurt your feelings I'm sorry.