Windows Updates not working

I was just getting the new windows updates the other day but every time i download and istall the screen which installs them does nothing. Later it just say these updateas were not succefully installed. I need some help

Use DJ's dial a fix in his sig. It should fix it.

Don't seem to find it. Dj can you send me a link to it or just tell me were to get it.

No longer in my sig. Sorry.

Here it is:

Checkmark all in #1 and #3 and hit GO.

thanks a bunch

No longer in my sig. Sorry.

Here it is:

Checkmark all in #1 and #3 and hit GO.

I've been having the same problem with Windows updates. I'm certain its due to being unable to start the Background Intelligent Transfer Service, I get a service specific error code when it tries to start.

What does the above exe file actually do and is it possible it would help sort the problem with BITS?

It's actually a good tool, it fixes certain Windows problems. IE: Windows Update and so on.


Dial-a-Fix can usually fix it if the problem is related to the Cryptography service. If you need to *reinstall* BITS, try:

It says it's an update but it may help.

Lemme know what happens.


Dial-a-Fix can usually fix it if the problem is related to the Cryptography service. If you need to *reinstall* BITS, try:

It says it's an update but it may help.

Lemme know what happens.

Bloody hell DJ, your a genius. I've spent 2 months talking to Microsoft, trying lots of suggested cures and none worked. I mention it on here, you recomend a program which, after 30 seconds, has fixed my computer. BITS service has restarted and Windows updates are working again, brilliant.

By the way, reinstalling BITS with the update you linked to doesn't work. I had tried it before but it just says the version on my computer is newer than the update so is not neccessary. Doesn't matter anymore, its FINALLY fixed :D

Cheers B)

Oh, thanks for the heads up on the BITS update, I hadn't even checked to see what version is the latest ;) (I barely even glanced at the page I pasted from, lol)

I'm glad dial-a-fix worked for you! That rocks :)

(See, I know more than Microsoft does about Windows :P)

lol Dj missed it. you're a genius, not your. ;)

I actually didn't miss it.

I actually didn't miss it.

What? Slacking off! Tssk tssk! :P

Too much work to do... so little time