Windows Serial Number showing


I have been using your product for quite a while now and have written tutorials for it as well to show people just how useful it is. I help out very regularly on TSF ( which is a free support site for people, and have been actively getting users to download and run your program for some time now so that it may give us a decent look at their system specs so we are able to help them out. The reason we like the program so much there is the very detailed and organised way in which the information is presented, and the ability for users to upload a snapshot of their PC that can be opened and viewed by any of the staff on their PC's via their version of Speccy.

However, it was pointed out that in the outputted .speccy file the Windows Product Key is also made visible to other users to see, under Operating System information. This is a no-no as it was with Belarc Advisor about 5 years ago which is why most Tech Forums these days never use, nor advise the use of Belarc which used to be the main program that support forums advised people to use. Now users are being advised not to use Speccy as a way of posting their information to tech forums as there are privacy issues involved as there was with Belarc, which is a massive shame.

Your program is a great tool for people to use on such forums, and a great way for your product to be seen and used by a great many people, as tech forums used to like users to upload their .speccy files due to it's gui. For now, using CPU-Z is the second best option, but it is very limited in the details that are outputted and readability. I do understand though that this information is useful to the user though.

Is there a way for users to upload a .speccy file, but one that will omit the users Product Key, or could this be a consideration in future releases, where the user is given the option to include a Product Key if they wish. (Product Key would be omitted by default)

Kind regards,


Hope that makes sense?

When you view Speccy, the GUI will show the Windows key. However, when you Publish Snapshot, the Windows key is NOT included. Click on the links in my signature below to view my Speccy snapshots. You'll notice the Windows key is not included. The Save As XML or Text will include the Windows key so you would not want to distribute those files. They are intended for local use only.

Fantastic! Thank you very much for pointing this out to me nikki605.

I always just used the Save Snapshot option, which would have enabled staff/ helpers to load the users snapshot into their program. This is actually more useful and easier for users to post.

How long are the published snapshots on line for?


Indefinitely, as far as I know. Piriform provides the server space to store the published files free of charge. I would imagine each file is pretty small.

I usually publish a new spec anytime I change something on the PC or when Piriform releases a new version of Speccy. Then I go update my forum signatures with the new link. I put it my signatures on several technical forums. It saves a lot of time when they ask for hardware/software information.

That's good to hear with regards the lifetime for existing links.

Once again, thanks for the advice. I'll update the tutorial and credit you.


Here is all the information I could find from Piriform about publishing to the web. There is no mention of "how long."

Another difference you will see in the published spec is NO network IP addresses are displayed that could be used to locate a particular PC. No "personal information" of any kind is included in the published version. So if you need to provide a PC's public IP address, you will have to provide it separately.

As I stated, I generate a new spec for my PCs about every month or so which starts a new link. The developers are still working on a few bugs so updated versions are still being released. For example, there is a known issue with some antivirus software programs not being identified and displayed when running on Win7. That issue will eventually be fixed in an update and I will publish a new spec at that time.

Since Microsoft updates are also listed by Speccy, it may be important for you to publish a new spec when new Microsoft Critical Updates are installed.

Enjoy :)

Hi nikki605:

If you create the .speccy file and save it to the desktop, I can still see my own IP.

Is there a way to suppress that? :o


Computermind, There was a discussion of making .speccy output configurable but it is currently not able to be specified

Computermind, There was a discussion of making .speccy output configurable but it is currently not able to be specified

Guess the only alternative right now is .TXT output and edit out the IP.

If the OS Serial is currently omitted in the .speccy file, it should be relatively easy to mask the IP information.

How about this as an alternative

Disconnect from the network then capture the .speccy (.txt or .xml).

No IP address, no IP address listed :D

How about this as an alternative

Disconnect from the network then capture the .speccy (.txt or .xml).

No IP address, no IP address listed :D

Point well taken, thanks! :lol:

Actually wasn't making a point. I actually (at the time I posted this) had just figured this out for myself :D