Hi the error that comes up is because of 1 of these 4 issues.
1 One or more mapped network drivers are configured on your computer. However, you do not have permissions to access one or more of the mapped network drivers.
2 Incorrect NTFS file system permissions are set on the drive:\WUTemp folder on your hard disk.
3 Incorrect permissions are set on following subkey in the Windows registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate
4 Incorrect permissions are set on the following subkey in the Windows registry:
To resolve this issue, use one or more of the following methods, depending on your situation.
Method 1: Disconnect the mapped network drives
Disconnect the mapped network drives that are configured on your computer, and the connect to the windows update web site to install the updates.
Method 2: Verify the permissions that are set on the WUTemp folder.
Verify that the correct permissions are set on the drive:\WUTemp folder, and then connect to the windows update web site to install the updates. If you have more than one hard disk on your computer, verify the permissions that are set on the WUTemp folder on each hard disk. To verify the permissions that are set on the drive:\WUTemp folder, follow these steps.
1. Start Windows Explorer, then locate the drive:\WUTemp folder.
2. Right-click the WUTemp folder, then click properties.
3. Click the Security tab.
4. Verify that the following groups are assigned the Full Control permission to the WUTemp folder:
(a) Administrators
Power Users
© Users
If the allow check box next to full control is not selected for any one of these groups, assign Full Control permission to the group. To assign the Full Control Permission to a group, follow these steps:
1. In the group or user names list, click the name of the group. If the group is not in the list, add the group. To do so, follow these steps:
(a) Click Add.
In the Selected Users, Computers, or Groups box, type the name of the group that you want to add, then click OK.
2. In the Permissions For GroupName list, select the Allow check box next to Full Control, the click OK.
Method 3: Verify the permissions that are set for Windows Update in the Registry.
Verify that the correct permissions are set on the following registry subkey, then connect to the windows update Website to install the updates that you want:
To verify the permissions that are set for windows update in the registry, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, then click Run.
2 In the Open box, type regedit, then click OK.
3. Locate, then click the following registry key:
4. On the Edit menu, click permissions.
5. Verify that the Administrators group and the systems account are assigned full control permission and the Read permission. If the Allow check box next to Full control or Read for the Administrators group or for the system account is not selected, assign the full control or read permission to the accounts. To assign the full control permission and read permission, follow these steps:
(a) In the Goup or User names list, click the name of the group or of the user account.
In the permissions for GroupName list, select the Allow check boxes next to Full Control and Read, and then click OK.
Note The Allow check boxes next to full control and read may be unavailable (or appear dimmed).
6 Quit Registry Editor.
Method 4: Verify the permissions that are set for Classes Root in the Registry
Verify that the correct permissions are set on the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, and then connect to the windows Update website to install the updates that you want.
To verify the permissions that are set for Windows Updates in the Registry, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click run, in the open box, type regedit then click OK.
2. Right-click HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, then click Permissions.
3. Write down the permissions that are listed under the group or user name that you were using when you encountered the error that is described in the "Symptoms" section.
4. Under Group or user names, click the Administrators group.
5. Make sure that the full Control check box under Allow is selected.
6. If the only group listed is Everyone, make sure Full Control under Allow is selected.
7.Click to clear any check boxes that are currently selected in the deny column.
8. cLICK ok.
9.Close Registry Editor.
10 Register the following DLLs:
(a) Wuapi.dll
© Wuaueng.dll
(d) Wucltui.dll
To do this follow these steps:
(a)Click START, click Run, type cmd in the open box, then click OK.
Type the following command at the command prompt, then press Enter: regsvr32 wuapi.dll
© Repeat the regsvr 32 command in step b for each of the remaining .dll files that are listed in this step.
11. Restart the Automatic Updates service by typing the following commands at the command prompt, then press Enter.
(a) net stop wuauserv
net stop wuauserv
12. Restart the BITS service by typing the following commands at the command prompt, then press Enter:
(a) net stop bits
net stop bits
I hope this helps you on your trouble