Windows Run Commands

Not sure if it's been asked before, yet just in case, would it be possible to add the ability to clear Windows Run commands? Thanks.

Not sure if it's been asked before, yet just in case, would it be possible to add the ability to clear Windows Run commands? Thanks.

It's listed. Windows \ Windows Explorer \ ☑Run (in Start Menu)

It's listed. Windows \ Windows Explorer \ ☑Run (in Start Menu)

Hmm... I see that... How come it doesn't work for me?

I've been using it on three XP SP3 for a couple of years now and it never ever cleared one command.

Currently running CCv.35.1219

Any ideas?


Windows XP SP3 here, and it always works for me, but only takes effect after rebooting.

One thought is that I've always had the "Other Explorer MRUs" box checked in "CCleaner\Windows\Windows Explorer", and as the Start\Run command is technically a "Most Recently Used list", that box not being checked may make a difference.

A long shot, but I can't think why it shouldn't work for you, and computers can be parculiar.

You could also try, if your comfortable with this, opening RegEdit from the "Run" box and navigate to the following key ...

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ RunMRU\

... and delete the individual command entries, and reboot your PC. This will clear that list, and then see if it's possibly kick started the feature in CCleaner into working.

One of the other guys may come along and give you an instant fix and why it wasn't working, but it hasn't come to me yet.

Hope that helps.

Windows XP SP3 here, and it always works for me, but only takes effect after rebooting.

It does work after rebooting! See, I was under the impression that it would work the same way as with temps, cookies, and such, i.e. instant gratification :)

All right then! Let me rephrase my original suggestion - would it be possible to clear the commands without restarting Win.?

By the way, I've run a few commands and then checked the specified reg. key and there is nothing there other than default. Can you, please, suggest other methods as a workaround?

I appreciate your help.

It does work after rebooting! See, I was under the impression that it would work the same way as with temps, cookies, and such, i.e. instant gratification :)

All right then! Let me rephrase my original suggestion - would it be possible to clear the commands without restarting Win.?

By the way, I've run a few commands and then checked the specified reg. key and there is nothing there other than default. Can you, please, suggest other methods as a workaround?

I appreciate your help.

You're welcome, and I thought it wasn't working at all for you.

However, I do have a neat trick for you.

Run CCleaner, and then select "Start\Turn Off Computer", and then select "Cancel".

The menu should now be cleared.

EDIT: After selecting "Turn Off Computer", give it a few seconds. Let the screen darken a bit.


Thank you so much, DennisD!

Works like magic!
