Windows Prefetch Items

When the option to remove unneeded Windows Prefetch items is enabled, Piriform CCleaner v4.19 seems to delete some prefetch data for applications that do exist. Is this a bug, or is there a reason for this?

That entry deletes old prefetch data, not just prefetch data for apps that no longer exist. At a certain age prefetch is useless (to some) while newer prefetch is pertinent (for most users if pcs). Thus prefetch which has been untouched is exactly what ccleaner's junk cleaning routine is useful for

That entry deletes old prefetch data, not just prefetch data for apps that no longer exist. At a certain age prefetch is useless (to some) while newer prefetch is pertinent (for most users if pcs). Thus prefetch which has been untouched is exactly what ccleaner's junk cleaning routine is useful for

Interesting, thanks for the feedback. I tried it on a computer about a week after a fresh OS install, and it cleaned out a bunch of Prefetch items. Then I tried it again about a week later, and it cleaned out several more, including applications that I had used regularly. A week later I repeated the process, with the same results. What do you think is happening? Bug or by design?

I think, though may be wrong, that you're noticing something that may not actually be what you're describing. I don't know exactly the mechinisms of the Windows prefetch files, but have never had any issue with or caused by that section of ccleaner, however if you're worried just uncheck the box for cleaning the section.

I've found that since moving to Win 8 Prefetch seems to hold more than one entry for an application. So a cleanup of Prefetch occasionally removes old entries for CC and Recuva, which are frequently used. However there is still a more recent Prefetch entry for these which remains.