This applies to Windows 7 x86 Pro and Windows 8 x64 Pro and CCleaner V4.05 and V4.06.
The Advanced>Windows Event Log does not removed any of the Event Viewer logs. I suspect that this is a permissions problem. A reboot does not remove them either. The Event Viewer shows hundreds of logs on my system and CCleaner finds 0 logs on Analyze and Clean
Have you given the 'event logs' clean a run, rebooted, and then looked?
Or are you saying no matter what you do this doesn't work?
What security set up do you run?
No matter what I do on the Windows 7 and/or Windows 8 computers, it does not clean out the Event logs. I am running under Administrator privileges on my User account on all systems.
I even tried CCleaner with my Windows 7 system booted into Safe Mode....still no cleaning of the Event Viewer logs. And I'm showing event log entries as far back as 09-Jan-2013.
Are you able to clear your logs manually or does even this not work?
Yes, I can clear them manually. Always have been able to. The .bat file at the link below will clear all of the event viewer logs on Windows 7 and 8 (32/64 bit). It does have to be "Run as Administrator" least it does on my systems. I run with UAC turned off.
Yes, I can clear them manually. Always have been able to. The .bat file at the link below will clear all of the event viewer logs on Windows 7 and 8 (32/64 bit). It does have to be "Run as Administrator" least it does on my systems. I run with UAC turned off.
Thanks much. Hopefully the developers can resolve the issue. I will be more than happy to supply any further info and/or run any tests in an effort to identify the problem(s).