Windows error reporting and internet cache

Hi, i would like to know if i can clean windows error reporting and internet cache, without problems. I don't know if this operation may cause problems.

Ty all :)

You can safely clean both. Also see the CCleaner Documentation to understand what it's cleaning.

Windows Error Reporting:

I would personally not clean that one as it allows submitting error reports to Microsoft which can result into bugs getting fixes in future updates, and Windows itself will or should remove them after they're submitted to Microsoft.

Internet Cache:

This is just what your web browsers have downloaded, i.e.; the images displayed on web pages and what's contained in those web pages such as audio or video, etc., which allows them to load faster when you revisit pages since those elements won't have to be re-downloaded so instead they're just loaded directly from your local storage (hard disk, SSD, etc.).

Ok thank you, but i have 1.558.882 KB of windows error reporting. Do i have to clean?

8 hours ago, DaniCarri99 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Ok thank you, but i have 1.558.882 KB of windows error reporting. Do i have to clean?

You can clean them safely.

All it means is that they can no longer be sent to Microsoft. (Unless you have recently had a lot of errors then most of them have probably already been sent anyway).

If you have Windows 10 then try turning on 'Storage Sense', (Settings>Sytem>Storage).