WIndows edge will not allow C cleaner

Trying to download C cleaner free version latest edition and it will allow me to down this with the new windows edge changes recently but when trying to open the file windows will not do it, it just sits there in the left corner of the screen waiting for you to click open it and then when you do click open the windows pop up comes up blank so you cannot continue.

I have even gone into downloads on the computer and got the download link to try this way but no good again this windows box comes up blank again preventing me doing anything to continue as this windows box is the part where you continue to run the c cleaner..Is there a update i should be aware of?

Which anti-virus are you using?

Some AVs need to be updated to allow CCleaner to install/run.

Some will say that they are up to date when you check (eg. Trend Micro) but is an older version that is 'up to date' not the latest version which needs to be downloaded from the AVs website.