Windows Defrag process not being turned off automatically

In researching another thread, I went into Optimise Drives (Windows 8) and discovered to my horror/annoyance that the internal defrag process has still been running.

In the 6 or so months I have had the new SSD as C:\ drive, I have reloaded Windows 8 twice (initially and about 2 weeks ago) and reloaded Defraggler (afresh compared to upgrading) about 3 times.

my first annoyance is with Windows as I thought it automatically turned off it's own defrag if a SSD was detected.

second annoyance is even with the Options, Advanced, Replace Windows Disk Defragmenter ticked, Defraggler also didn't turn off the Windows process.

SO, for those with a SSD, go into the Windows Defrag program and DOUBLE CHECK it has been turned off.

Damn computers and lazy programmers. :mellow:

Just something to try during the next Defraggler update that I wonder would achieve what you want:

If you right-click the Defraggler installer and run as Admin, I'm wondering if it could then successfully Replace Windows Disk Defragmenter.

If not, I guess Windows is letting you know it knows best, or at the very least it could be what ALAN_B has told us before and that is Windows lies. :P

I wouldn't worry too much, it seems Win 8 knows what it is doing

in Windows 8, we have changed the defrag tool to do a general optimization tool that handles different kinds of storage, and in the case of SSD's it will send 'trim' hints for the entire volume;


Also an explanation here

I wouldn't worry too much, it seems Win 8 knows what it is doing

hmmm, call me suspicious or might just be I've read too many of @Alan_B posts.

maybe Piriform applies the same rules if it detects it has been install in Win8.

although i just had a quick squizz on the Piriform Defraggler site and nothing obvious popped out.

just finished a fresh Windows 7 install on a new PC.

installed Defraggler, told it to Replace Windows Disk Defragmenter, went into to the Windows Defrag to check and it was still scheduled to run weekly.

the PC had no SSD, so bit of a bug I'd say.

I thought you were talking about Win 8 not Win 7?

I was when I first started the thread.

And it was more a 'watch out for...' tip more than anything else.

That's why I started a Software thread.

But I happened across the same problem when playing with the Win7 PC mentioned above.

So now I'm thinking it should be a Bug thread.

It will need more users to put forward their experience with this Replace Windows Disk Defragmenter to know how common the issue is.

went into to the Windows Defrag to check and it was still scheduled to run weekly.

the PC had no SSD, so bit of a bug I'd say.

It would be a significant bug if Defraggler offered to Replace Windows Disk Defragmenter and it lacked the ability to put that into effect.

Have you actually observed Windows Disk Defragmenter being launched on schedule ?

Your evidence could be interpreted as simple ignorance within and by Windows Disk Defragmenter that it has been replaced from scheduled actions.


The presence or absence of the SSD is irrelevant to what is used for the defragging non-SSD drives that might be present,

even if those drives were removable and not fixed.

Even if there are only SSD's and no capability for additional non-SSD,

that would be no excuse for Defraggler to be another "Nanny State" imposing restrictions on users.

All I'm saying is, with the option Replace Windows Disk Defragmenter ticked, I would have expected (with a rational amount of logic) that if you then go into Start, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter, it would NOT still show as being scheduled to run weekly.

Just a quick mention here, not intended to throw things off track, but anyone using Norton Anti Virus should be aware that one of the settings is 'idle time optimizer' This defrags. I mention this is case any Norton users are not aware of this.

Not too sure of the mention of Windows 8 here