windows cipher.exe

I wonder how many people know about this, and if anyone has used it

Cool find, I didn't know about it.. I guess I'm not the only one who didn't. :P

I would never encrypt my data with it but I might try it to perm delete some files one day. But then again I don't even use the one built into ccleaner. :D

My comments exactly mirror yours rridgely. I may have to try it out at least once because I noticed Avira Unerase found a horde of .wav audio files on my D:\ drive that I thought were long gone from weeks ago and was still able to recover a handful of them even though I had defragged that volume and added at least 10 GB of data to it.

Yep exists on my system.

I thought I had just about gone through most XP files in my slimming quest but I've never heard of that file till now.

Thanks Hazelnut :)

Will have to check it out but I use search and recover to find deleted then right click and terminate all which supposedly makes them irrecoverable.

I don't do this for any security reasons,I suppose it's just a silly habit. :rolleyes:

Well using it with the /W option doesn't do anything on my system because it finishes in milliseconds. I've never once used the encryption feature so I don't know if it's looking for leftovers from encrypted files or not.