Windows 8 - Regitry Error [FIX]

I seen some people posting about this error on CCleaner ...

ActiveX/COM - Issue InProcServer32\%CommonProgramFiles%\System\Ole DB\msdaora.dll - HKCR\CLSID\{e8cc4cbe-fdff-11d0-b865-00a0c9081c1d}

I done some research on this error since I have Windows 8 Pro [64 Bit] and found way to fix it and thought ill inform other users of CCleaner that have Windows 8 , So here is the fix :

  1. C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB\
  2. C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\ , including msdaora.dll.

Therefore, just copy “msdaora.dll” from path #2 to path #1. That's all.


Original Post - LINK

I would also like Thank:

DanSitar - Posted FIX

TRUE fix can be found in my signature

I have difficulties to accept that copying a 32-bit dll to the 64-bit folder can be a "solution" for anything.