windows 8 and ccleaner?

hello everyone(this is my first post)

Is it even good to use ccleaner on windows 8,because i have seen all the maintance the OS does on its own.


Welcome to the forum :)

I use it on Windows 8.1.

Windows 8 maintenance doesn't clean cookies.

as far as crap cleaning goes, Windows 8 Automatic Maintenance does very little expect removing temp files.

it's more for looking after Updates, scheduled tasks, antimalware scan and defraging.

I'm replying to this post because the topic is as close as I could find to my question/issue. If this is not the appropriate location please forgive me in advance.

My mother is 80 and she uses her computer to check email and writes letters for her church newsletter, she doesn't surf the internet or really use her computer for much more than that. Every few months she starts having issues with her system not working correctly and slowing down. So I go over there and run a few programs for her and clean it up and scan for virus' and such. Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I was there anyway so I looked at the current problems that she has. She is currently using an HP All In One computer running Windows 8.1, AMD processor and 4 gb of RAM. I ran Malwarebytes and cleaned a few virus' off of her system, she runs Norton 360 and it doesn't seem to do much but slow the system down. Then I ran CCleaner 5.latest build. It took 2 hours for CCleaner to scan the temp files, when it was done it found over three hundred thousand files in the temp files folder and another one hundred thousand files in the windows.old temp folder, 40 gigabites in total. I was shocked, but it has been three months since I ran CCleaner on this system. I cleaned them up. I accutally left and went home. I have a remote control program on my computer that lets me get into her system from my laptop. It's TeamViewer. I took several hours for CCleaner to delete all those files. After that run was done I checked the registry and cleaned it too. Then I ran CCleaner again on the system files, like I always do, because it always finds more files after the first run is done. I do this on all my Windows 7 systems at my house. After the second run, it rarely ever finds anything on the third run. But on this Windows 8 system I have run it nine or ten times and it always finds a few hundred more files in the temp files folder and the windows.old temp files folder. I don't think they are all the same files, I have never had this issue with Windows 7. Does anybody have any sugestions? Should I just keep running CCleaner until it doesn't find anymore files or is Windows 8 creating all those files that quick. I'm not running any other programs and nothing else is open except CCleaner and TeamViewer. I'm not fimiliar with Windows 8 as all of my systems are Windows 7. I really don't like the new Windows 8 layout and haven't upreaded any of my systems. Any help would be appreciated.


there are more than a couple of issues with the new CC v5 edition.

get the latest v4 from FileHippo and see if that helps. (just be careful on FileHippo these days - full of download pitfalls if you click the wrong links)