Today was the day you could update Windows 8 to Win 8.1 from the store.
Anyone else done it?
Worked a treat
IE 11 is really fast and the update kept all my apps.
Didn't need to sign in with a Microsoft account to do it.
Today was the day you could update Windows 8 to Win 8.1 from the store.
Anyone else done it?
Worked a treat
IE 11 is really fast and the update kept all my apps.
Didn't need to sign in with a Microsoft account to do it.
Did it install windows 8.1 pro?
edit: And do backup softwares still work?
No damn it !!!
I'm in Melbourne for the weekend and am itching to get home and do it.
Been hanging out for the update for ages. It'll be the first thing I do upon my return.
Glad to hear of no downsides so far.
I had Windows 8 pro with media center.
When I went to the store that is the update it gave me, Win 8.1 pro with media center
I know I can do a Windows system image backup with 8.1 (Go to 'file history' in control panel and select 'system image backup' bottom left)
AX64 was installed and running on Win 8, haven't made an image with it yet on Win 8.1. Will have a stiff green tea and try later.
Its not a bad update but I'm a little aggravated that MS made me link my microsoft account to my pc to continue using skydrive. They disabled the stand alone skydrive app when I refused to enter in my account. My gripe with that is that I like the MS services but the built in apps aren't as good as the desktop versions.
That said IE11 is nice enough(not good enough to replace chrome) and the updated start screen is better than what they had. I'm still going to use start8 though, its just better.
Have it today! Although nothing really changed, but it was a 4 GB download...
updated friday. Hope soon they make clean installing a little easier. My Pro 8 key wouldn't work with the 8.1 iso, but it works once 8.1 installed.
3.5gib download for me - took hours.
was only available in the Store (thought they'd have it in the standard Windows Update place, so after that Gumby moment all was good).
would only let me update to 8.1 if i signed in with the MS account which you then have to disconnect from to go back to the local account.
apart from the Start button coming back (and not some derivative of the classic Start Menu) there seems to be no cosmetic changes.
i see MS has pulled the RT 8.1 update from the Store due to a 'problem'.
@mta you do NOT have to sign in to a Mic account to do the update....I didn't.
Where it asks you to sign in, you click on 'create a new account'
Then on the next page it says create a new account here, and then under that it says ''or continue using another account'' which is what I selected.
Where did you get the iso from as there hasn't been one released?
I know there is a sort of hack where you stop the Win 8 download and then start and stop the 8.1 download and make an iso from that but there are variables involved.
EDIT... Found the iso
Doesn't work on OEM, you have to have a Win 8 or Win 8.1 key.
That's what I did, start/stop trick. I actually downloaded it twice, once thru the store, had some driver issues once it installed. I decided to just go the the pc settings and full reset but was met with a "Install media to continue message". Then the second time with the iso from key trick.
The news ticker this morning said Microsoft had pulled a Windows Update to fix bugs, had to completely guess what it was since they didn't give anymore details, so I just assumed it was for the Win 8.1 update.
The news ticker this morning said Microsoft had pulled a Windows Update to fix bugs, had to completely guess what it was since they didn't give anymore details, so I just assumed it was for the Win 8.1 update.
It's for the Win 8.1 RT (Metro/Surface) update only.
They have already issued workarounds and patches for those that were affected.
just did my first image backup of c:\ drive since the 8.1 upgrade and the new file is 1.5gib smaller than the last win8 one.
i wonder what fat was cut.