Windows 7 Search Index Clearing

For some reason, and I'm not sure if CCleaner is the culprit, but Windows Search index gets cleared from time to time on folders that I know I have added to the index manually.

I have cleared all the check marks under Cleaner > Applications > Windows. And the issue continues. If this is not being caused by CCleaner, can someone point me in the right direction?


Do you run CC with any enhancements; like winapp2.ini or others?

I believe the indexed results are kept in c:\programdata\microsoft\search (unless you have changed the location via Control Panel, Indexing Options).

Perhaps try adding that folder as an EXCLUDE.

I'm not using any other enhancements. I took your advice and added "c:\programdata\microsoft\search" to the exclude definitions. I'll keep you posted.

fingers crossed....

...and a belated Welcome. :)