Windows 7 Beta News

How to get a Beta Key.

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I'm really tempted to create a Windows Live Account. Do you think it is worth it?


I don't think anything "Live" is worth it. But I'm not an uber geek. I just hate real time annoyance. email+ windows live mail= awesome. I use it as my primary email now.

I have windows 7 here on a disc and was going to try it, but I think I'm not going to bother.

I did some research on it and there are lots of things making me think I'm probably not going to like it. I may just wait for the final version and get a new pc then. I've heard its coming as early as august of this year and that if you buy a computer in july or later with vista that you get 7 for free. I may do that then.

i actually tried it and it just felt like i was using Vista but with SP2. it felt and looked the same. yeah, there was a few things switched around and they made it somewhat... easier to get into some options that you couldn't easily find in Vista but other then that nah... Windows 7 isn't a must have OS. the new features is just a gimmick really.

WMP12 sucks mega, I can tell you that much for free <_<

I just installed the Win7 Beta on a laptop. Nothing but problems so far. Can't access files, BSOD within minutes of initial install when installing updates and accessing pictures at the same time. Behavior is erratic when logging in after Switch User.

Its been installed for 7 minutes.

Have fun.

I just installed the Win7 Beta on a laptop. Nothing but problems so far. Can't access files, BSOD within minutes of initial install when installing updates and accessing pictures at the same time. Behavior is erratic when logging in after Switch User.

Its been installed for 7 minutes.

Sounds like a promising disaster. :P

What type of laptop? Older one? I have it installed in a Virtual Machine and it works fine, except it doesn't see my graphics card. I think it has something to do with my laptop. Hasn't failed me yet.


What type of laptop? Older one? I have it installed in a Virtual Machine and it works fine, except it doesn't see my graphics card. I think it has something to do with my laptop. Hasn't failed me yet.


Its a newer laptop, my dad uses it for work and wanted to try windows 7, I'll edit in the model number soon enough.