Windows 7 Beta / CCleaner Doesn't Work


I know Windows 7 Beta released officially yesterday to 2.5 million, I'm one of them.

I installed latest version of CCleaner today after installing W7 (64 bit) Beta today.

It seems CCleaner doesn't work at all, the actual functions do nothing basically.


- fix registry, always shows up 148 problems after fixing all if I rescan.

- settings area, choose to show option to run and open CCleaner in recycle bin, it never saves the options

Cleaning cache (run CCleaner main feature) seems to work otherwise

It's a beta of an unfinished OS so if I were you I wouldn't get my hopes up of it being supported too soon.

An official response from the Piriform owner about Alpha builds of software, albeit about another software product.


I know Windows 7 Beta released officially yesterday to 2.5 million, I'm one of them.

I installed latest version of CCleaner today after installing W7 (64 bit) Beta today.

It seems CCleaner doesn't work at all, the actual functions do nothing basically.


- fix registry, always shows up 148 problems after fixing all if I rescan.

- settings area, choose to show option to run and open CCleaner in recycle bin, it never saves the options

Cleaning cache (run CCleaner main feature) seems to work otherwise

I haven't been in the boards in a while, so first let me say howdy to all the regulars. This post really caught my eye. "theunseen" I'm not trying to be mean, but ARE YOU KIDDING? First CCleaner doesn't, and really couldn't, support beta software, especially if it only came out one day ago. Also do you really think it's smart to run any utility on the registry of the OS that just came out? If you are going to do that, I would back up the whole registry, not just the removed items like CCleaner does. Windows 7 is bound to go through quite a few changes before it comes out as a fully functional OS, so I would take a lot of care fooling with it.

Now all that said, I've not seen too many programs that tried so hard to take care of so many different OS's and programs to clean as CCleaner. I wouldn't be too surprised to see that the folks that do the code for CCleaner actually do have a version that works with Windows 7, but I won't hold my breath.

My suggestion would be to just do the cleaning for all the temp files and keep an eye on the change log for CCleaner and see if they start supporting Windows 7 sometime in the near future.

Version History

I haven't been in the boards in a while, so first let me say howdy to all the regulars. This post really caught my eye. "theunseen" I'm not trying to be mean, but ARE YOU KIDDING? First CCleaner doesn't, and really couldn't, support beta software, especially if it only came out one day ago. Also do you really think it's smart to run any utility on the registry of the OS that just came out? If you are going to do that, I would back up the whole registry, not just the removed items like CCleaner does. Windows 7 is bound to go through quite a few changes before it comes out as a fully functional OS, so I would take a lot of care fooling with it.

Now all that said, I've not seen too many programs that tried so hard to take care of so many different OS's and programs to clean as CCleaner. I wouldn't be too surprised to see that the folks that do the code for CCleaner actually do have a version that works with Windows 7, but I won't hold my breath.

My suggestion would be to just do the cleaning for all the temp files and keep an eye on the change log for CCleaner and see if they start supporting Windows 7 sometime in the near future.

Version History

Good Luck!


KIDDING about what? Seriously, get a grip and don't pop a vessel in your head.

Hello theunseen,

Welcome to the forums !!!

As of this time there is no support for Windows 7. For now please change any reference to CCleaner to (cc)leaner in the web address (that is convert the large CC to small cc)

It will certainly be a big project but I know Piriform products for Windows 7 will be great.

You can be one of the first volunteer users. :lol:

Best wishes,

:) davey

Hi theunseen

It would be difficult to have a fully tested and proven version of a cleaner within one day of a new Beta release.

If you want a reliable cleanse of Windows 7 Beta I would suggest you format the drive,

You might not like the results, but at least there should not be any surprises ! !


CC does work in win 7 for me.. 64 bit.. cleans crap and fixes reg, only problem i have is the option to run from recycle bin right click wont stick...

beta or not.. its still windows and i still have crap and reg issues, and so they still need to be cleaned!

Hi all, first a fix for the Recycle Bin issue.


Open Regeditand drill down to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\Shell\]. Right-click the Shell 'folder' and click Permissions. Change the permissions for Administrators to FULL CONTROL. Install CCleaner*, then go back into the registry and reset the permissions on this same key back to READ.

*If CC is already installed, change the Options to add Open and/or Run to the Recycle Bin menu.

If you find, as I did, that IE Temporary Internet files are not being cleaned, add C:\Users\*UserName*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files to CC's Custom Files and Folders. Options > Include > Add Folder.