My CCleaner is displaying my system info as Windows 18! Someone have the same "bug" ? I have "only" Windows 11 by the way ?
My CCleaner is displaying my system info as Windows 18! Someone have the same "bug" ? I have "only" Windows 11 by the way ?
LOL, do you have a time machine?
Well spotted.
@Dave CCleaner is this a CCleaner bug or Windows 11 itself?
(Maybe something similar to the MAC osx11/osx10.16 oddity?)
Another user here has reported that his CCleaner Free v5.86 is correctly showing Windows 11.
I don't think that Free/Pro should make any difference though.
@Mar&coNot sure if it will help the CCleaner devs, but it might do, so could you give more info on your Win 11 OS build number, and Windows Feature Experience pack?
You should be able to find them in Settings>System>About
You can use that 'Copy' button to copy/paste them into a reply.
Not sure if it's due to w11 because before I migrate from w10, it was normal.
Édition Windows 11 Professionnel
Version 21H2
Installé le 07.10.2021
Build du système d’exploitation 22000.258
Expérience Pack d’expérience de fonctionnalités Windows 1000.22000.258.0
Thanks, we'll have to wait to see what the devs have to say (if they find anything).
I don't know exactly where CCleaner reads the Windows version from.
As you haven't said anything else I assume it's just that display and CCleaner is working OK.
I think that we probably need more reports from other users running Windows 11 to see if this '18' thing is widespread.
Up to now you are the only one to notice it and report it here.
Perhaps (as a test) change your CCleaner language to English and see if it shows the same.
Hi @Mar&co
Thanks for reporting this, we have tracked the problem and fix will be should go into the release next month